May every moment inspire me.

2022 daily log

Motivated talks with Sam

my_jennyee 2022. 12. 7. 22:26



Sam asked me what is my strength that I thought about myself?

I answered I’m good at “Linking the different field” - coodination.


Sam asked SW that what is my strength that he thought about me?

He answered, “She is good at coordinating, has good social skills set, and management skills.”


I joined the meeting with Sam from 2:30 to 7:30, for 5 hours.

There were so many updates between us and Sam, because we have met quite long time ago.


지금 회사가 어떤 방향으로 나아가야 하는지에 대해 고민하고 결정하는 시간이었다.


5시간이라는 시간이 짧게 느껴졌을 만큼 대화는 즐거웠고, 한 순간도 놓치기 힘들었다.

Let me make summaries in here.




1. Sequoia Pitch Deck


All the things for the business can be made only with 16 pages.

Financial part could be at the end of the deck for making the audience fresh.

Who is the audience for the Pitch deck? For Americans, or for Koreans? The approaches are different.



2. User - Problem - Solution


Define just 1 specific user.

What is the problem that the user is facing on? And what is the solution for that?


What if only that person is facing the problem?

- Need to count how many people are facing that problem, and how much they can spend for solving that problem?

That could be the size of the market.



3. The vision needs to be 3 words.


Sam suggested Efficiency, Collaboration, and Agility.

All members need to share and know that 3 words vision. 

For that, the vision needs to be clear and clear.



4. Choose only 3 businesses and just leave the others.


What if we couldn’t get the chance for left things?

- Fine. You can get better chance with 3 businesses that you choose as the high priority.

And you can check other left things every 3 months, if it’s not still high priority things or not. 



5. Easy


When the problems defined specifically, and the result can be set, It’s easy.

When we knows the answer, it’s easy.

Make it easy.

All the things are easy.

Think as Sam, who can see all the things easy.



6. Product Management


Which role I need to take for this job?

I got the strength in coordination, collaboration, and management.

So next role that I can take is a product manager.

My goal is managing all the things without senior manager about this project.

One project per one person.

Make all the deliverables qualified.



I think taking a notes in blog is only way that I can remember this moment and thoughts forever.

Sam always make me so motivated. Every his word and expression are so impressed.

Today’s meeting may be one more motivated moment in my life time though, at least to the 병아리.


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